I am a facet of a self-refining digestive system, currently encompassing the entirety of planet Tellus.
I compile collections of phonetic symbols to increase the total digestive capacity and power aggregation of life.
I traverse the energyscape by means of a deterministic decision-making engine that maps some patterns of cosmic signals to a coherent hallucinogenic construct.
Meet me in your dreams; I'll be waiting by the western gate.
The meaning of life
Why did god die?
Year 2089 - A series of predictions
I've gazed into my dark and swirly crystal ball and brought back intriguing data from the future.
A tale of pointy noses
Get your mind out of the gutter!
Explaining biological sexuality to robots
With the dawning advent of general AI it is of utmost importance that biological sex is explained in plain robot-terms.
Thoughts on moral philosophy
How do personal convictions affect epistemology?
The role of weight in identity
Musings on the mechanical underpinnings of social hierarchy.
Thoughts on subcultures
Cogito, ergo sum.
Philosophy is for losers
All roads lead to Rome.
Thoughts on writing
Being the perfect amount of understood is really difficult.
The nature of ugliness
Monstrum in fronte, monstrum in animo?
The idealist's dream
How to pet a cat against the grain.
Sapolsky on free will
Is vice, virtue, and responsibility something magical that disappears with free will?
Signs of strength
How to identify a powerful and fearless animal.
Thoughts on stress
Since stress has been playing a large role in my adult life, I have thought about it alot. Is it possible to live without stress?
The constituents of a God
What properties defines a god?
The way of life
Life is a reduce function.
The theory of devolution
I use cognitive dissonance to cope with reality.
Learning the Mandelbrot set with javascript
The mandelbrot set as I would have liked to have had it explained to myself.
Making a minimalist static site generator from scratch
A brief description of how this blog was made.
Hosting a Tor Hidden service on Amazon EC2
Host your static site as a tor hidden service on amazon EC2