The constituents of a God

What qualities must a being have to be rightly considered a god?

A god must have power, otherwise it would merely be a ghost. It is not enough to exist in the spiritual realm; to be godly is to be able to interface and interfere with creation.

A god must be capable of extreme amounts of power expenditure, but without the need to beforehand collect and assemble the nutrients, without the need to digest. To birth the cosmos out of nothingness, that is the feat of a true god.

Some gods are eternal, they are never begotten and they never die. The eternal gods can assign a partition of themselves to a new entity, this new entity is usually corresponding to a certain emotion or element present in humans or their environment.

The most common partition is a dark recess containing all things horrible in human nature. The partition gets to linger in an hostile environment, very unfit for primate propagation. The partition is called Satan and its abode is called purgatory.

They must possess a morality for they must have made at least one decision. They must make decisions on the basis of some motive. They must have a motive.

After contacting humanity, all gods must wear a mask. Masked gods has to be interpreted, they must have declared their existence by earthly means to have been found by their prophets and disciples. And these earthly means prevents any prophecy from being delivered in godly fidelity.