Signs of strength

To make an offensive (as opposed to defensive) move of any kind is either a sign of strength or desperation. The animal can afford (or can’t afford not to) take a risk and exert a certain amount of power as a sort of investment with the risk of failure.

Reversely, defensive moves are signs of poverty, stasis, and scarcity. It’s the need to preserve and delay power expenditure in trying times.

For example; being emotionally open and expressive is a symptom of an excess of strength — contrary to popular belief. To openly and confidently talk about sentimental subjects foretells the absence of a fear of being rejected or ridiculed, while an emotionally closed or cryptic personality betrays a competitive lifestyle where such superfluous acts can’t be afforded. Such an environment will make sentimental expressions appear cringeworthy or embarrassing.

Another example; having a negative and defensive attitude in the workspace is commonly betraying a fear of underperformance. While tackling any problem with positivity and fearlessness is a sign of a person rich enough in strength that they can afford to fail and admit to failure without any shame.

Equality will always promote defensiveness, as two entities with similar power-level will be less prone to undertake high-risk moves in fear of falling behind. In a collaborative environment, such as a team or friendship, individuals are more prone to being open, positive, and fearless — providing that their union is powerful enough in relation to their environment. Otherwise, they can only afford to show their true emotions among themselves in the private safety of the group, which is the collective equivalent to keeping a secret (i.e. defensive behavior).