The meaning of life

Every cell in the body is conceptually like a small animal that each has its own little mini-game that they try to complete. The cell itself does not know that the mini-game is in fact designed by the body to force the cell to do its bidding. They are just following a simple program to satisfy their own needs and in the process, they are unknowingly being exploited by a larger supersystem. Their incentive structures are synchronized in this way to form a cohesive unit that can operate in unity.

If a cell's self-interest differs from that of the body it becomes a cancer cell that hurts the body through playing its malformed mini-game.

In society, the same principle applies. Every individual in a human colony needs to implicitly support it through their mini-game, it does not matter if the individual is aware of this relationship or not. If the individuals are not happy with their mini-game, they will start to revolt against society and start acting toward its destruction. They become cancer cells.

In old times, the economy was not strong enough to reward all of its cells with physical goods. So to survive the colony had to promise the rewards of the mini-game after the human had died. They would get the prize for their plight in the afterlife. Efficiently making it so you could oppress a cell its whole life without ever rewarding it with anything except the very basic requirements for its existence.

In order to align the incentives of the individual and the colony on a super strict budget, life had to invent religion. Religion could carry society to grow to such an extent that the superstructure could actually afford to reward individuals with actual goods instead of just promising them after death.

This new system that produced more immediate rewards quickly outcompeted the archaic systems. People willingly wanted to migrate and work for a system that could reward them with a BMW in this life rather than the next. These new material systems greatly varied in implementation, from socialism to capitalism, but basically had the same objective of providing material stability to the population while still being able to harvest the excess production of the colony.

So we are in fact playing a great MMORPG designed by society through natural selection in order for us to comply with being exploited. Just like the cell of the body only exist to serve a purpose on a higher order of abstraction, the same is true for humans in society.

There is no purpose in life rather than to hopelessly try to complete our own mini-game for the greater good of life on earth. Although I'm purposefully using negatively charged language to describe this for mischievous reasons, I do not object to or experience distress at this relation. On the contrary, I am thankful every day that I am implemented on a level of abstraction that allows me to subjectively experience the superstructure in high fidelity.

As for the mini-game of the superstructure itself, i.e. the spirit of the Allfather, I have no clue at the moment.

I also believe that at some point the superstructure will become conscious just like the human body is since it faces the same set of problems that forced mammals to evolve consciousness.